British Columbia Circle – Inside Passage and Skeena Train – September 2011
Wakeup call today is at 7 o’clock
It may come to you as quite a shock
Brush your teeth and comb your hair
Soon we’re on the road without a care
Nina, our guide, so full of knowledge
I wonder where she went to college
Walking the aisle she counts one and all
There’s never a need to shout or call
Say good morning and climb aboard the bus
Our driver Kenny we have learned to trust
The day is warm and the sun is bright
There’s never a need to miss any great sight
The range of mountains is always in view
High walls and deep valley are scary too
The rushing rivers and crevices so deep
I’m sure that no one nods off to sleep
Soon we are close to the ocean so wide
I want to keep someone close to my side
This was the first week in early September
I know it’s a time we’ll always remember
Composed by: Barb and Lloyd Gonie, Pierceland, SK